I joined my Drawing Club because my school put me forward for a place and it sounded fun. It’s at the Stephen Lawrence Centre in Deptford. It’s a very modern building with eccentric colours and a beautiful garden outside with a pond. I really like the sculpture of a lady holding her baby near the reception desk. I also like the shape of the building and the windows because they are unique.
My tutors are Grant and Elle: they’re very helpful. Elle is very fun and pleasant to be around. She gives me good advice and always praises me when I do things well. Grant helps me with new techniques. We’ve been doing shadow, light and tones. We’ve drawn humans and still-lifes. I have got much better in everything we’ve done. Last week I did the best picture I’ve ever done. It was of a lady called Penny with a beautiful Indian skirt on. She’s a dancer. The skirt had so many lovely colours and different patterns.
Definitely the best session was drawing the pond and garden outside. It was a beautiful day and I had a lot of fun. I also enjoy Drawing Club because you make lots of new friends and find out about other schools and other people’s abilities, also, you can get advice from them while giving advice to them. Drawing Club is challenging and interesting. At school we don’t do much drawing. At Drawing Club it’s more calm and quiet so we can concentrate properly. The other people are much more enthusiastic, too, and they’re not asking me to draw things for them all the time.
The people at Drawing Club are good at drawing so they don’t need me to draw things for them. We can talk about drawings and compare drawings. I hope I can come back to Drawing Club next year because I’m much more enthusiastic now, and I would continue to improve my skills, and it would be a step further to my ambition to be an artist or designer.
Natalie Quarry, age 11
Lewisham North Drawing Club